Signs Not to Give Up on Your Dreams Yet

Signs Not to Give Up on Your Dreams Yet

Sometimes it can feel pointless to carry on with your dreams. When things are good it is easy to keep the dream alive, but when things are bad, it is horrible. It can be normal to think the world is out to get you and that is the reason your dreams have not come to fruition. It is not yet time to give up on those dreams. Dreams are in a constant state of flux so they can evolve as you do. Regardless of how improbably it may feel, you owe it to yourself to keep trying to reach those dreams. Below are signs that it is not yet time to give up.

  • You Think About It – You know your dream is still alive when you still think about it. You can rationalize moving on, but if you are still daydreaming, thinking about, and talking about your dream then it has not yet died.
  • Burnout – If you put too much time into your dream, you may burnout. If you are experiencing burnout, then you have dedicated so much time that it still matters. Take some time to recover and as you start to miss your dream, you know it is time to start working again.
  • Unsatisfied – If you are continually thinking about ways to quit your day job to pursue your dream, do not give it up.
  • Energy – If you have the energy to put all the extra work into your dream, there is no reason to give up.
  • Some Success – If your dream is to do something full-time and you have found some successes, then do not give up. Keep putting in the time and work and success will come.
  • Not Discouraged by Failure – If you fail at something, but instead of discouraging you, it lights a fire, then it is a sign the dream deserves continued attention.
  • A Dream You Alone Coveted – If your dream has held your interest on its own without outside interference, then it is something to continue pursuing.
  • Feels Normal – If someone looks at all your work, time, and effort and it feels overwhelming, but it feels normal to you, then you need to keep focused on your dream.
  • Uncertain of a Replacement – No matter what you choose to pursue as a dream, burnout and feeling overwhelmed are normal. If you cannot think of what you would do if you let your dream die, then you are not yet ready to let it go. It is a lifelong passion.
  • It is Who You Are – If you meet someone new and introduce yourself by your dream, it is still your dream. Your dream has become a part of who you are and your identity.

There are many reasons to give up on your dreams, but none are really valid. Society may make your dream appear unattainable, but each dream is unique to the person and it is worth pursuing. Life is about the pursuit of happiness, not the final result. Your dream may end some day, but today is not that day. Your life is not a race to be won, but one to be run. Spend time doing what you love.

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